Thursday, January 31, 2008

Puzzle Games

Recently the development of my strategy games has been set aside. Instead I’ve tinkered a bit with a few setups for Puzzle Games. Mainly using adobe flash and simple low-grade graphics I have created a few levels. It’s a well known type of game. You solve one puzzle, or level, to proceed to the next.

The best thing with this approach is that you can focus on making the level as fun as possible and you don’t have to worry too much about how the levels connect with each other.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Setting is Important for the Success of Games

This piece of obvious truth is something that many developers often forget. The setting, the environment and atmosphere, of a game is important. No matter if the coding is smooth and the features are cool and new, the feeling must be there as well.

There are those who have mastered this art nonetheless. Take all the detective games that have been launched recently. Many of them use a Sherlock Holmes like environment since this is a familiar setting for detective games and mysteries. Other games use the 1970’s detective series as inspiration.

These settings help the player to achieve the correct mood and think in a “detective” way and thereby enjoy the game all the more.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Flash Games Madness

I like flash. Lots of people gets the oppertunity to create their own games. The problem is when the games look like this:

What am I even supposed to do? Sometimes I think the guy spent more time creating the webpage, ads and affialiate deals than the actual game.

By the way, check out the design on this page We Visualisering - Visualization